The purpose of a storyboard is to show, pictorially, how your video will unfold from start to finish, shot by shot.
What is VFX Shot?
In VFX, special effects are added using a computer. Live-action footage is combined with manipulated or enhanced imagery to create realistic environments.
Chroma key technique removes a specific color from an image, enabling that part of the image to be replaced.
The most common colors are blue and green.
What is CG modeling?
CGI Artists create still and moving images and visual effects using computers. An image can be anything from a character to an environment to special effects.
In 3D animation, texturing refers to the process of dressing up 3D models with 2D images.
By combining light sources, the lighting artist either draws attention to a part of the scene, sets the mood of the scene, or represents natural properties of the scene.
CG Renders with extra layers or passes for recreating the Beauty Render and for further manipulation when compositing.